Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Backing Up the Backupset

1. Script to backup  the backupset

cat rman_9.cmd
  allocate channel c1 device type disk format '+DATA';
 as backupset
 channel c1
 backupset completed before "to_date('15-MAY-2014 01:32:47','dd-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss')";
 release channel c1;

2.Calling the script in the rman command line
$ rman target="/" @rman_9.cmd | tee -a rman_9.log

Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Thu May 15 02:40:05 2014

Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.

connected to target database: CVRMAN (DBID=657566608)

RMAN>  run
2>  {
3>   allocate channel c1 device type disk format '+DATA';
4>   allocate channel c2 device type disk format '/SHARED/backup1/%U';
5>   backup
6>  as backupset
7>  channel c1
8>  tag="bkpset_backup"
9>  backupset completed before "to_date('15-MAY-2014 01:32:47','dd-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss')";
10>  release channel c1;
11>  }
using target database control file instead of recovery catalog
allocated channel: c1
channel c1: SID=30 device type=DISK

allocated channel: c2
channel c2: SID=1 device type=DISK

Starting backup at 15-MAY-2014 02:40:16
channel c1: input backup set: count=117, stamp=847589258, piece=1
channel c1: starting piece 1 at 15-MAY-2014 02:40:17
channel c1: backup piece +DATA/cvrman/backupset/2014_05_15/nnndf0_whole_database_bkp_0.311.847589259
piece handle=+DATA/cvrman/backupset/2014_05_15/nnndf0_bkpset_backup_0.314.847593617 comment=NONE
channel c1: finished piece 1 at 15-MAY-2014 02:40:42
channel c1: backup piece complete, elapsed time: 00:00:25
Finished backup at 15-MAY-2014 02:40:42

Starting Control File and SPFILE Autobackup at 15-MAY-2014 02:40:42
piece handle=+DATA/cvrman/autobackup/2014_05_15/s_847593643.313.847593643 comment=NONE
Finished Control File and SPFILE Autobackup at 15-MAY-2014 02:40:46

released channel: c1
released channel: c2

Recovery Manager complete.

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